September 04, 2012

why did Europe accept so many immigrants?

That so many European nations dropped their borders and capitulated to mass immigration of non-white, non-Christian populations - particularly after 1945 - had a lot to do with colonial guilt exacerbated by exposure of the horrors perpetrated against Jews and non-Aryan populations by Nazi Germany.

The advances in mass media during the 20th century brought these horrors into the personal lives of everyone - via the radio, the cine news and the newspapers. Whereas similar atrocities by their own nations had gone largely unreported in the past - not touching the ordinary person - what happened in Nazi Germany changed the psyche of white western populations.

They saw evil up close and personal, perpetrated by the Germanic Aryan Christian nation representing the epitome of white supremacy and Western civilization.

The horrors perpetrated by Hitler and his Aryan philosophy against the Jews and other races most certainly caused a cringe mentality and a revulsion in white people everywhere against the evil of displaying any sort of racial superiority or closed border policies.

It's possible, too, that the teachings of the Frankfurt School - a group of disaffected German Jews that escaped to America before WWII - had a lot to do with the promotion of a new multi-cultural and multi-racial western world.

These people tapped into the changing psyche of the western world - the revulsion against Nazi Germany - and channeled it towards their own agenda.

Preaching cultural Marxism - a mix of Marxist socialism and Freudian psychology - 'love not war' must have been a powerful aphrodisiac at the time.
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