February 18, 2010

corporations destroying racial harmony

Leona works for a global corporation that is using the tactic of divide and rule to entrench its power, privilege and wealth at the expense of racial harmony within the workplace, and she tries hard to educate fellow workers of all races to understand who the real enemy is and how to survive in their jobs by united action.

“Right now, we're facing a recession and instead of cutting its profits my employer is laying off staff and instead of promoting interracial harmony it’s encouraging us by subtle means to vilify a certain racial group and blame immigrants for unemployment, overcrowding and lack of affordable housing when the real villains are the government and its corporate mates who profit from cheap migrant labor.”

“While we – the ruled and workers of all colors, religions, financial status and cultures – are busy fighting and blaming each other for whatever ails us the ruling class is raking in the money and quietly passing more and more laws designed to expand its power and rob us of what remains of our wealth, freedom and job security.”

“Immigrants, racial tension and the existence of a growing unemployed welfare class are just symptoms of the same disease – elitism or classism,” explains Leona, “and we have far more in common with these demonized people than we do with the real villains who are ripping us off, lying to us and stirring up trouble in the classes below them in order to deflect attention from themselves and prevent united action against them.”

Read more by Leona on this issue:

  • immigrants aren’t the enemy

  • government and its corporate mates

  • global corporation divide and rule

  • united action

  • educating co-workers

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